
Real fruit
tastes better.

Spindrift is America’s first and only line of sparkling beverages made with real squeezed fruit. An innovator in an exploding market, with a product story so simple you wonder why it’s done any other way, the goal was to communicate the value in truly being real across all channels. In an overloaded, very competitive environment, we positioned Spindrift to be bold and clear, without losing sight of the brand’s personality.

Our Services

  • Brand
  • Strategy
  • Product
  • Digital
  • Campaign
  • Environment
Spindrift Blood Orange Tangerine Packaging, Branding and Design by Colony
Spindrift Blood Orange Tangerine Packaging, Branding and Design by Colony
Spindrift Blood Orange Tangerine Packaging, Branding and Design by Colony
Spindrift Blood Orange Tangerine Packaging, Branding and Design by Colony
Spindrift Pineapple Packaging, Branding and Design by Colony
Spindrift Packaging, Branding and Design by Colony
Spindrift Lime Packaging, Branding and Design by Colony
Spindrift Packaging Design by Colony
Spindrift Lemonade Packaging, Branding and Design by Colony
Spindrift Lemonade Packaging, Branding and Design by Colony
Spindrift Digital, Branding and Design by Colony
Spindrift Digital Branding and Design by Colony
Spindrift Pineapple Packaging, Branding and Design by Colony
Spindrift Pineapple Packaging, Branding and Design by Colony
Spindrift Pineapple Packaging, Branding and Design by Colony
Spindrift Pineapple Packaging, Branding and Design by Colony
Spindrift Pineapple Packaging, Branding and Design by Colony

“The highest compliment I can pay is 7 years later we are still at it together. Superb people, remarkable talent.”

— Bill Creelman, Spindrift Founder

Spindrift Brand and Design by Colony